Case study
Adoption of Next-Gen Leather in China
Next-gen materials is an overarching category of high performance, sustainable, and animal-free materials developed for the fashion, automotive, and homegoods industries. North Mountain is partnering with Material Innovation Initiative (Napa, CA, US) to establish a consumer research program on next-gen materials used in the fashion, automotive, and homegoods industries.
In this study, we examined urban Chinese consumer purchasing preferences for leather and leather alternatives.
We collected survey responses from a sample of 501 individuals across China. The sample was nationally representative in terms of age and gender, but was more urban, educated, and higher income earning than the general population.
We segmented consumers by generation, material type preference, and purchase likelihood.
We found a very high degree of acceptance of next-gen leather products in urban China: 90% reported a preference for next-gen leather over conventional leather and 70% reported a high (“very” or “extremely”) likelihood of purchasing.

In terms of willingness to pay more for next-gen leather, over half (62%) of enthusiastic consumers were likely to pay more.

Enthusiastic consumers were motivated to purchase next-gen leather for multiple reasons, including the environment (72% reported it to be highly influential), quality (72%), animal welfare (68%), personal expression (61%), and cost (56%).

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We have also conducted a US pilot study on leather alternatives and a US nomenclature study for the overall materials category.
We are in the process of conducting a segmentation study in the US to understand consumer attitudes, perspectives of desirability and functionality, and purchase interest in common types of next-gen products. We expect to publish this study in September 2021.
The reports are available for download at www.materialinnovation.org/reports.