Case study
Adoption of Plant-based Meat in Kenya, Nigeria, and Egypt
Population growth trajectories globally—and in Africa in particular—suggest looming food security challenges. Our research in Kenya, Nigeria, and Egypt explored the potential for adoption of alternative proteins , a market-based solution to mitigate the effects of rising meat consumption. North Mountain partnered with the Credence Institute (Capetown, South Africa) to conduct this study.
We collected online survey responses from a sample of 3,654 individuals in Kenya, Nigeria, and Egypt. The samples were nationally representative in terms of age and gender among younger adults (18-39).
Consumers reported high interest in plant-based meat products in all three countries, especially Kenya and Nigeria. Eighty percent of Kenyans, 76% of Nigerians, and 62% of Egyptians reported they were highly likely to try plant-based meat. High likelihood to buy was also high, at 72%, 63%, and 46% respectively.

Comparatively, cultivated meat was less familiar and less accepted than plant-based meat. However, acceptance was still fairly high: 56% of Kenyans, 59% of Nigerians, and 42% of Egyptians reported they were very or extremely likely to try cultivated meat.

In all three countries, prior familiarity with plant-based meat products and being motivated to purchase them for health and food security reasons predicted purchase intention.
Consumers considered nutrition, taste, and cost to be the most important plant-based meat product characteristics.
In a future scenario where plant-based, cultivated, and conventional meat were all widely available and had a similar taste and price, participants anticipated that alternatives to conventional meat could make up about ½ the total share of meat consumption in Egypt, â…” in Nigeria, and ¾ in Kenya.

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The report and all study materials are freely available for download on Open Science Framework.